The E69F Field-Mounted Current-to-Pneumatic Signal Converter accepts a standard direct current input signal and converts it to a proportional pneumatic output signal for use with other pneumatic instruments or control valves. As symbolized by the “CE” Logo marking on the product, this product conforms to the applicable European Union Directives.
Part Number: E69F-BI2-R-S
Model: E69F Current-to-Pneumatic Signal Converter Field-Mounted ;
Manufacturer: Foxboro
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F Series
Output signal codes 2 and 3: ±1.0% of range
Output signal codes 7 and 8: ±2% of range
±0.5% of span, typical (large deviations limited by accuracy specifications)
±0.25% of span, typical (large deviations limited by accuracy specifications)
±0.5% of span, typical (large deviations limited by accuracy specifications)
No-action control zone
0.1% of span
Supply pressure effects
Changes in supply pressure result in zero shift of less than 0.04% per kPa span (0.25%/ psi).
FOXBORO E69F-BI2 Current-to-Pneumatic Signal Converter The E69F Field-Mounted Current-to-Pneumatic Signal Converter accepts a standard direct current input.
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-BI2-RS;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-TI2-JS;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-BI2-S;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-T12-S;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-TH2-JS;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-TI3;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-BH;
FOXBORO Signal Converter E69F-BH2;
FOXBORO Signal ConverterE69F-BI3;
Ordering Information:
Enclosure: -B - Bolted cover - weatherproof (for use in all non-explosionproof applications)
Input Signal Range and Impedance¹: I - 4 to 20, 4 to 12, or 12 to 20 mA dc; 170 Ohm; direct or reverse action
Output Signal¹: 2 - 20 to 100 kPa, 3 to 15 psi, or 0.2 to 1.0 bar or kg/cm²
Optional Selections:
-R - Adjustable filter regulator without gauge
-S - Supply/output gauges