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Pilz Safety relay 750104 PNOZ s4 24VDC 3 n/o 1 n/c

Pilz Safety relay 750104 PNOZ s4 24VDC 3 n/o 1 n/c

  • Product Item : 750104 PNOZ s4
  • Product Brand : Pilz

Pilz Safety relay 750104 PNOZ s4 24VDC 3 n/o 1 n/c

One PNOZ safety relay is used per safety function. PNOZsigma safety relay (standalone), inputs: 1/2-channel wiring with/without detection of shorts across contacts, manual/automatic start, outputs: 3 N/O, 1 N/C, 1 SC, UB 24 V DC, width: 22.5 mm, plug-in screw terminals, monitoring of E-STOP, safety gates, light guard.

Technical data

Electrical data

Supply voltage (V) 24V

Type of supply voltage U1 DC

Power consumption DC 2.5

Normally Open contacts, 1 Normally Closed, 1 Semiconductor

24 Vdc supply voltage

DIN rail mounting

Operating modes, single channel, automatic reset, dual channel

Screw terminals

The Pilz PNOZ sigma series Safety Relay meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1 and may be used in applications with E-Stop. The PNOZ s4 series from Pilz are safety relays for monitoring E-STOP pushbuttons, safety gates and light beam devices.

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