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Home      Products Rosemount™2051TG4A2B21AB4M5E5 2051 Pressure Transmitter
Rosemount™2051TG4A2B21AB4M5E5 2051 Pressure Transmitter

Rosemount™2051TG4A2B21AB4M5E5 2051 Pressure Transmitter

  • Product Item : 2051TG4A2B21AB4M5E5
  • Product Brand : Emerson

The technical parameters of Rosemount 2051TG4A2B21AB4M5E5 pressure transmitter are as follows:

Overall performance: ±0.15%FS.

Accuracy: ±0.075%FS.

Pressure measurement range: Calibration range from 0.3 to 10000psi.

Gauge pressure measurement range: Calibration range from 0.3 to 10000psi.

Process isolation diaphragm material: Stainless steel and Hastelloy CR optional.

Isolation diaphragm design: Single isolation diaphragm design.

Filling fluid: Silicone oil and inert oil optional.

Process connection: Optional DIN and Autoclave matching process connection.

Output signal: 4 - 20mA, with digital signal, based on HART protocol.

Power supply: Generally 10.5 - 42.4V DC.

In addition, E5 may represent a specific certification or option, but the specific meaning needs to be referred to the Rosemount product manual or consult its technical support staff.