GE Fanuc Emerson IC693ALG222 16-channel analog voltage input module
The IC693ALG222 16-channel analog voltage input module is a Series 90-30 module designed by GE Fanuc. It comes with -10 to +10 Volts and 0 to 10 Volts input voltage ranges, a 0.25% accuracy rating
The GE Fanuc IC693ALG222 is a module of the Series 90 - 30. It is an analog voltage input module with sixteen single - ended input channels that can receive 0 - 10 V (unipolar) and - 10 - + 10 V (bipolar) input signals. This module can be installed in any slot of both 5 - slot and 12 - slot Series 90 - 30 baseplates.
Technical specifications for IC693ALG222
Range -10 to +10 V, 0 to 10 V
Part Number IC693ALG222
Series Series 90-30
Brand GE Fanuc
Isolation 1500 Volts RMS field to the logic side
Input Types Unipolar and bipolar
LEDs 2 green LEDs ("Module OK" and "Power Supply OK"
Product Lifecycle Status* Discontinued/Obsolete
Product Description Analog Voltage Input
Resolution at 0V to +10V 2.5 mV (1 LSB = 2.5 mV)
Resolution at –10V to +10V 5 mV (1 LSB = 5 mV)
Linearity < 1 LSB
Input Filter Response 41 Hz (single-ended mode) 82 Hz (differential mode)
Product Description Analog Voltage Input
No of Channels 16
Update Rate 13 ms for all channels
The IC693ALG222's channels are individually configurable. In single - ended config, each channel's update rate is 6 msec; in differential config, it's 3 msec. At 0 - 10VDC, resolution is 2.5 mV (1 LSB = 2.5 mV); at - 10 - + 10VDC, it's 5 mV (1 LSB = 5 mV). Regardless of input type and wiring, the module has an absolute accuracy of ± 0.25% of full scale at 25 °C (77 °F) and ± 0.5% over the operating range, with linearity of +/- LSB. In single - ended mode, the input filter response is 41 Hz; in differential mode, it's 82 Hz. The module has an internal max power consumption of 112 mA from the + 5 VDC backplane bus and 41 mA from the isolated + 24 VDC backplane supply.
Revision Part #Also known as
IC693ALG222AIC693ALG222-A, Series A, Rev A
IC693ALG222ABIC693ALG222-AB, Series AB, Rev AB
IC693ALG222BIC693ALG222-B, Series B, Rev B
IC693ALG222CIC693ALG222-C, Series C, Rev C
IC693ALG222EIC693ALG222-E, Series E, Rev E
IC693ALG222HBIC693ALG222-HB, Series HB, Rev HB