Functional principle:Edge detection, reflector
Dimensions (W x H x D):24.3 mm x 59.8 mm x 54.1 mm
Sensing distance:≤ 25 mm
Housing design:Rectangular
Working range:20 mm ... 30 mm
Measurement range:20 mm
Minimum detectable object (MDO):0.8 mm
Light source:LED, White
Wave length:400 nm ... 700 nm
Light spot size:30 mm x 5 mm
Repeatability:0.03 mm 1)
Linearity:± 2 % 2)
Supply voltage:≤ 24 V DC 1)
Ripple:≤ 5 V 2)
Power consumption:< 3.1 W 3)
Switching output:PNP
Switching output (voltage):PNP: HIGH = UV ≤ 2 V / LOW approx. 0 V
Analog output:4 mA ... 20 mA
Resolution of analog output:12 bit
Output rate of analog output:1 ms
Output current Imax.:< 100 mA
Weight:135 g