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Sick Cylinder sensors MPS-032THTP0

Sick Cylinder sensors MPS-032THTP0

  • Product Item : MPS-032THTP0
  • Product Brand : Sick

Sick Cylinder sensors MPS-032THTP0

Measuring range:32 mm 1)

Housing length:45 mm

Output function:Analog

Electrical wiring:DC 4-wire

Analog output (voltage):0 V ... 10 V 2)

Analog output (current):4 mA ... 20 mA 2)

Supply voltage:15 V DC ... 30 V DC

Power consumption:22 mA, without load

Max. load resistance:≤ 500 Ω Power Output, at 24 V

Time delay before availability:1.5 s

Required magnetic field sensitivity, typ.:2 mT ... 15 mT

Resolution, typ.:0.03 % FSR (max. ≥ 0.05 mm) 2)

Linearity error, typ.:0.3 mm 3)

Repeat accuracy, typ.:0.06 % FSR (≥ 0.1 mm) 4)

Sampling rate, typ.:1 ms 5)

Reverse polarity protection:Yes

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