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ABB 5SLD 0650J450300 HiPak DIODE Module

ABB 5SLD 0650J450300 HiPak DIODE Module

  • Product Item : 5SLD 0650J450300
  • Product Brand : ABB

Features of ABB HiPak DIODE Module 5SLD 0650J450300

  • Ultra low-loss, rugged SPT+ diode

  • Smooth switching SPT+ diode for good EMC

  • Industry standard package

  • High power density

  • AlSiC base-plate for high power cycling capability

  • AlN substrate for low thermal resistance

  • Improved high reliability package?

  • Recognized under UL1557, File E196689

Specifications of ABB HiPak DIODE Module 5SLD 0650J450300

Maximum rated values 1)

Parameter Symbol Conditions min max Unit

Repetitive peak reverse

voltage VRRM 4500 V

DC forward current IF 650 A

Peak forward current IFRM tp = 1ms 1300 A

Total power dissipation Ptot Tc = 25 °C, per diode 3350 W

Surge current IFSM

VR = 0 V, Tvj = 125 °C,

tp = 10 ms, half-sinewave 5300 A

Isolation voltage Visol 1 min, f = 50 Hz 10.2 kV

Junction temperature Tvj 125 °C

Junction operating temperature Tvj(op) -50 125 °C

Case temperature Tc -50 125 °C

Storage temperature Tstg -50 125 °C

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