FOXBORO is now a brand of French Schneider, mainly manufacturing industrial control and process automation related instruments.
Schneider Electric (French: Schneider Electric) was founded in 1836, is a large energy management company, one of the optimization solutions provider, the main products include circuit breakers, sensors, controllers, etc., for the countries energy facilities, industry, data centers and networks, buildings, to provide total solutions. Which in the energy, infrastructure, industrial process control, building automation, data centers and networks and other markets.
FOXBORO main products: sensors, circuit breakers, control valves, actuators, converters, relays, controllers, recorders and indicators, thermocouple bushings, DEWCEL dew point meter, filter regulators, pneumatic transmitters, etc..
Analog Positioner SR1990
Version C-Double acting
Input (h) Signal range4 to 20 mA
Additional Inputs/Ouputs (q)
M-Without Additional Inputs / Outputs
Built-In Limit Switch
S-Without Built-In Limit Switch
Cable Entry
7-M20 x 15 With One Plastic Cable Gland
Electrical Classification
EAA-II2 G Exia IIC T6 Gb according to ATEX
Options (p)
FOXBORO positioners SRI990 series introduction
The analog positioner SRI990 with analog input 4 to 20 mA is designed to operate pneumatic valve actuators. It offers simple adjustment by means of switches and potentiometers. The modular construction of this positioner series allows for conversion from analog to “smart” positioners by easily replacing the electronics.
- Configuration via switches and potentiometers
- Load 300 Ω
- Low air consumption
- Stroke from 8 to 260 mm (0.3 to 10.2 in.)
- Angle range up to 95 degrees
- Air supply pressure up to 6 bar (90 psig), slide valve up to 7 bar (105 psig)
- Single- or double-acting
- Mechanical travel indicator
- Position transmitter 4 - 20 mA as an option
- Connection to travel actuator directly or according to IEC 534 part 6 (NAMUR)
- Connection to rotary actuator according to VDI/VDE 3845
- Protection class IP 66 and NEMA 4X
FOXBORO Positioner SRI990 Series Options
Analog Positioner
Version SRI990
Single acin.........
Position Transmitter (wo pneumatic camponens.....------------
Double acting..........
Not applicable (wo Input Signal or Pneumai)-...…--.X
Signal range 4 to 20 m.()…....
Additional Inputs/Outputs
Without Additional Inputs / Outp.…q........M
Position Feacback 4 to 20 mA________
Built-In Limit Switch
Without Bull-in Limit Switch ..-.........*..………..--
Motertomd em ss ang ot hen)/ Ul. and csA approved .
Inductive Limit Switch (Three Wire Version).....
Inductive Limit Switch - Intrinsic Safe (Security Version SJ2-N............_-----
Inductive Limit Swiich - Intrinsic Sale (Slandard Version SJ2-N)...................-.....----.....
Potentiomater Input (for Femoce Mcunting - main unit)......….......(2)….--......
Cable Entry
1/2"-14 NPT (with Adapter(s) M20x1,5 to 1/2*-14 NPT)..
M20x1.5 With One Plastia Cable Glan..........
Electrical Classification
13GD Exic T6 GcDc according to ATEX..……
II 2G Ex ia lIC T6 Gb according to ATEX....----
Without Ex...--…=---
CU TR Approved for Intrinsic Safet ...
I2GEx ia lIC T6 Gb + ll 1D Ex iaD 20T 100℃ Da according to ATEX
Pneumatic carnection 1/4- 18 NPT made of an additional manifold .... ()-----------------
Pneumatic connection G 1/4--------------…......
Positioner tree of copper and its alloys ........
without Pneumatia connection.................(PH(t)
Feedback-Unit for Remate Mounting - Version of Position Transmitter only with a potentiameter (1)().........--
Version of Positioner according to VDIVDE 3847......----.------------
Approved for SIL2/ SIL3 applicao
Pneumatic Amplitier in the version "Spocl Valv*.()
Version of Position Transmitter with additional cable conrections for solencid-valve-connection......-...D
Stainless Steel Housing without SST gauge.…()= =
Stainless Steel Housing...--.--……+…+-()….…a
Cenificate EN 10204-2.1-Cenificate of complance with the order.........-1