4 pulse width outputs; 24 VDC; 0.2 A; 20 kHz; Adjustable; Extreme
Technical data
Number of digital outputs 4
Output current per channel 0.2A
Output current short-circuit-protected; 0.4 A, short-circuit-protected in bridge mode
Switching frequency (max.)20 kHz
Diagnostics per modul: undervoltage; per channel pair of a bridge: short circuit after UOut+ or UOut–
Pulse frequency 0 … 20,000 Hz; integer
Duty cycle 0 … 100 %; 11-bit resolution
Operating mode 1: PWM DC (variable duty cycle); 2: PWM Frq (variable frequency); 3: PWM Frq-Cnt; 4: Pulse Frq-Cnt; 5: PWM Pulse-Dir
Data width 4 x 16-bit data; 4 x 8-bit control/status
Supply voltage (system) 5 VDC; via data contacts
Current consumption (5 V system supply) 85mA
Supply voltage (field) 24 VDC (-25 … +30 %); via power jumper contacts (power supply via blade contact; transmission via spring contact); Derating must be observed!
Current consumption, field supply (module with no external load) 20mA
Rated surge voltage 1 kV
Indicators LED (A, C, G) green: Function Module, Channel 1 + 2, Channel 3 + 4; LED (E) red: Error
Number of incoming power jumper contacts 2
Number of outgoing power jumper contacts 2
Current carrying capacity (power jumper contacts) 10A
Derating Derating (supply voltage):
Ambient temperatures under laboratory conditions: (−25 … +30°%);
for −40 … +55°°C: 24°V (−25 … +20°%);
for +55 … +70°°C: 24°V (−25 … +10°%);
Lower limit in all temperature ranges: −27.5°% (including 15°% residual ripple)