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ABB UTP22-FBP.0 Service tool for managing UMC

ABB UTP22-FBP.0 Service tool for managing UMC

  • Product Item : UTP22-FBP.0
  • Product Brand : ABB

ABB UTP22-FBP.0 Service tool for managing UMC

The easy-to-use UTP22-FBP.0 service tool makes configuring, parameterizing and diagnosing the ABB Universal Motor Controller quick and simple for everyone from enclosure manufacturers to system operators. This ABB tool for the Universal Motor Controller and other low voltage control products is based on FDT/DTM technology.

The UTP22-FBP.0 communication adapter is available to support the central configuration of all devices connected to a PROFIBUS line. The PBDTM CD, with device drivers and the FDT/DTM frame application, is additionally required.