The Allen-Bradley 22B-B2P3H204 PowerFlex 40 is a low-voltage AC drive has a voltage rating of 200-240V AC. The 22B-B2P3H204 has an output rating of 0.5 Hp and 0.4 kW and the output current is 2.3A. The Allen-Bradley 22B-B2P3H204 comes with a volt per hertz, a sensorless voltage control system, and an overload protection feature for the motor. This module also comes with advanced diagnostic features that can identify every problem that occurs in this module. The 22B-B2P3H204 is easy to use. The Allen-Bradley 22B-B2P3H204 uses open network architectures and CIPs (Common Industrial Protocols) like EtherNet/IP?, DeviceNet?, and ControlNet?. Using this module will reduce machine downtime and increase flexibility and performance. The Allen-Bradley 22B-B2P3H204 has real-time data access. The user can adjust the speed of the motor to meet the requirements of applications. This module consists of a sensorless vector control, an energy saving function, and regeneration capability. It helps reduce energy consumptions by delivering regenerative energy from the motor back to the incoming power supplies. The Allen-Bradley 22B-B2P3H204 has motor control optimization that provides greater application flexibility. The ground motor must be connected to one of the ground terminals of the module.
ManufacturerRockwell Automation
Part Number/Catalog No.22B-B2P3H204
Product LinePowerflex 40
Voltage240AC Volts
EnclosureReplacement Plate Drive - IP20, NEMA/UL Type Open (Without Heatsink)
HP0.5 Horsepower
Amperage2.3 A
Phase3 Phase
FilterNo CE Compliant Filter
Input TypeKeypad