The Allen-Bradley 1756-EN2TRK module is a ControlLogix Ethernet communication module, and it is classified as a ControlLogix series module. The 1756-EN2TRK module features an insulation voltage of 30 Volts continuous. The power consumption is rated at 5.1 Watts and the module comes with a power dissipation of 5.1 watts. The 1756-EN2TRK module features the open type of enclosure and has an ambient operating temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius. The 1756-EN2TRK module features a current rating of 1.2 Amps and a thermal dissipation rating of 21.28 BTU per hour. This Ethernet communication module can be installed on any slot on the chassis while it comes with a backplane current of 1 Amp at 5 Volts DC and a backplane current of 3 milliamps at 24 Volts DC.
ManufacturerRockwell Automation
Part Number/Catalog No.1756-EN2TR
Module TypeEthernet Communication Module
LocationChassis (any slot)
Backplane Current (5Volts)1 amp
Backplane Current (24 Volts)3 milliamps
Power Consumption5.1 Watts
Power Dissipation5.1 Watts
Insulation Voltage30 Volts Continuous
Operating Temperature32-140 Fahrenheit, 0-60 Celsius
Current Rating1.2 Amps
Thermal Dissipation21.28 BTU per hour
The 1756-EN2TRK module features a conformal coating that provides partial protection from adverse environmental factors. Ideally, the conformal coating provides a layer of protection against atmospheric contaminants and other factors like humidity. Through protection from the harsh conditions, the 1756-EN2TRK module achieves a prolonged operating life. The 1756-EN2TRK module is an open industrial networking standard supporting real/time I/O messaging and message exchange. The module uses off-the-shelf Ethernet communication for providing connectivity between simple industrial devices including the sensors and the higher-level devices. The 1756-EN2TRK module is built to provide the users with improved flexibility by using common components as well as tools for helping to scale an application to meet the operating requirements. The 1756-EN2TRK module can also reuse control and visualization designs and practices. This gives it the ability to achieve a faster drive startup process for improving the integration process and enabling optimization to ensure increased productivity.