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Hach pH puncture electrode LZW5231.97.0002

Hach pH puncture electrode LZW5231.97.0002

  • Product Item : LZW5231.97.0002
  • Product Brand : HACH

Sension+ pH combination stainless steel puncture electrode 5231 for Food Applications

Product Number: LZW5231.97.0002

pH combination puncture electrode 5231 with one ceramic and one open diaphragm and solid electrolyte. Stainless steel body. Range 2-14 pH, 0-80 ºC. S7 screw cap.

This electrode is suitable for semisolid food samples, e.g. cheeses, meats, fish, fruits, bread doughs, etc. The encapsulated reference ensures high stability and long lifetime.

Technical Attributes of Hach pH puncture electrode LZW5231.97.0002

Accuracy 0.02 pH with pH3 Meter|0.002 pH with pH31 Meter|0.002 pH with MM340 Meter|0.002 pH with MM374 Meter

Connector Screw cap S7

Electrolyte KCl + Glycerine

Filling Solution Non-refillable solid polymer

Junction 1 ceramic, 1 open

Material Sensor Body: 316 Stainless Steel

Operating Temperature Range 0 - 80 °C

Parameter pH

Probe Type Laboratory

Range 2 - 14 pH

Sensor Type Glass

Special Features The encapsulated reference and the two diaphragms ensure high stability and long lifetime. The glycerine containing electrolyte ensures suitable flow rates for viscous samples.

Storage Conditions Strorage solution: LZW9512.99

Temperature Range 0 - 80 °C

Warranty 6 months